High School Youth Ministry

In high school youth ministry, our team’s goal is that every student would be seen, known, and loved. True discipleship is the ultimate goal. If every student who comes through our program leaves with a genuine relationship with Christ and a desire to build His kingdom, then we will have done our job.

  • SEEN — Guests are welcomed, no student slips through the cracks, and every person is acknowledged as valuable.

  • KNOWN — Students are assigned to small groups where leaders can really know them and have intentional conversations about hard topics. Leaders create an environment where students can share anything, and students’ hobbies and interests are remembered.

  • LOVED — Adults communicate love by showing intentionality and care, consistent teaching about Jesus’ love for each student, and fostering a culture of safety and acceptance among the group.

Youth Group

Sundays, 5:30-8:30 p.m. • McBIC Youth Center (upstairs, rear of the church)

5:30-6:30 – Free time/gym time, games
6:30-8:00 – Worship and teaching
8:00-8:30 – Small groups

Sunday Mornings

During the 9:30 a.m. service, our middle school and high school youth (grades 6 through 12) meet for Bible study with one of the youth pastors or adult leaders. For more information, email Pastor Cody.


Special Events

Throughout the year, our high school youth participate in special events like Sleepout for the Homeless, Battleball Tournament, Impact Festival, Zeteo Conference, our fall retreat, and summer missions trip. Visit our Parent Resources page to download the full calendar of events.


