Elementary School

McBIC’s elementary school ministry serves children from kindergarten to 5th grade during our 9:30 and 11 a.m. services. Through small group and large group settings, our leaders and volunteers help the kids learn that they were created in the image of God and built for a purpose.

Small Group

Small groups are an opportunity for our elementary school students to learn Bible lessons in creative ways. Their dedicated small group leaders shepherd the children each week and often continue to lead the same group from year to year as the kids get older.

Large Group

All of our elementary school students gather together for large group, a time of creative and interactive Bible storytelling that becomes a springboard for dynamic and meaningful conversation during small group time.

During the 11 a.m. service, kids worship with their families in our main service and are dismissed to large group before the sermon.

Check-In and Pick-Up

When you arrive at McBIC, head to the parking lot on the left side of the church building and enter through the side door. If this is your first time at McBIC, our greeters will collect some basic information to help us care for your child and will give you and your child matching security labels. If your child has been with us before, simply enter your phone number on one of our tablets to print out your security labels. One of our greeters will then walk with you and your child to their classroom, where you will have the opportunity to see their class and meet their teacher.

If you’d like to save time at check-in, first-time families can use our online registration page to submit their basic information before Sunday morning.

At the end of your morning, return to your child’s classroom and tell the teacher your child’s name. They will match up your security card with your child’s name badge and release them to you. If you will be involved in programs at our church throughout both service times, you will need to pick up your elementary school student after both services, since elementary school students worship with their families in our 11 a.m. service and are dismissed to McBIC Kids before the sermon. If you plan to attend a Sunday school class during the 11 a.m. service, we encourage you to touch base with your child’s small group leader to make sure they have someone to sit with in the worship service.


