We hope you'll join us for a weekend away where we will spend time nourishing our relationship with God and each other! Our time together will include worship and teaching sessions, small group conversation, shared meals, and a schedule designed to bring refreshment.
Our theme for the weekend is "Come to the Water." We all long to be loved, to belong, to be significant – we are thirsty for a life of purpose. But the people and places we turn to to find satisfaction only leave us feeling empty again. The good news is that Jesus says, "Whoever drinks of the water that I will give will never be thirsty again."
Location: Bongiorno Retreat & Conference Center in Carlisle
Shared Room, $160
Private Room, $220
Commuter, $125
Saturday only, $60
Overnight rates include five meals and two nights in a hotel-style room. Registration will close on October 22. Please contact Evan (elebo@mcbic.org) for more information or to request financial assistance.